Do you want a packed dance floor??
Of course you do! People love a wedding, the romance, the food but most importantly, the party! Unfortunately, couples often make huge...
The Music Makes You Happy Experience (settle in, this is a long but important one)
With most of your other event vendors, you are going to receive something tangible for your investment. Your caterer is going to provide...
It's not only wedding season, it's running season too!
Before I start, a little background on how we got into race events. When I started Music Makes You Happy I hit the ground running (pun...
What’s Your Favorite Type of Event?
I get asked this question a lot and I’m never really sure how to answer. Weddings can be a lot of work and really stressful but they can...
Stepping outside your comfort zone
We’ve all heard that you need to step outside your comfort zone to achieve great things. Well, as much as I hate to say it, because I...